
Meeriad is a simple, useful, motivating and inspiring app for everyone.

With Charlotte Decaix, Human Resources Manager and Laurane Savoye, Internal Communication Officer at OLVEA, we discussed how the collaboration with Meeriad was born and how the tool fits into a logic of global resource preservation.


Can you tell us about OLVEA's activity?

OLVEA is a family business located in Fécamp, now run by the fourth generation of the Daudruys. Our know-how lies in the import-export of vegetable and fish oils. The company has 150 employees in France and 150 employees abroad, in Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Morocco and Kenya. Every year, we sell more than 65,000 tons of oils and generate 162 million euros in turnover.

Many professions are represented within the company. We employ refinery operators, maintenance, logistics and packaging teams. At headquarters, there are all the support functions: accounting, management control, human resources, sales, product managers, marketing, quality, etc.

At OLVEA, the CSR dimension has held an important place for many years. It's not a fad. We are committed to taking care of our entire value chain and we talk about commitment to people and nature. We have a foundation and through this, we carry out a certain number of actions in Africa where the company is established. Moreover, 11% of our turnover is devoted to CSR.

Can you describe your HR issues to us?

In the guidelines presented by the Comex this year, one element was major for human resources: working on the commitment and well-being of employees. Individuals change employers more easily than in the past. We have an issue of team loyalty and we try to understand the levers by focusing on proximity and attentive listening to needs.

We voluntarily associate commitment and well-being. By placing ourselves between professional life and personal life, we are convinced of the impact of one on the other. Our slogan is “From sourcing you can trust” and this does not only concern our supply chains. Ensuring that resources are preserved is an approach that also applies to people and our teams.

Precisely, what are the well-being initiatives implemented at OLVEA?

First of all, a particular attention is paid to the workspace: our premises are bright and spacious. We regularly call on the ISTF (Interentreprises Santé Travail de Fécamp) as part of a reflection on workstation ergonomics. We have also equipped most employees with height-adjustable desks, for example. At the headquarters, there is a kitchen, as for the refinery, it has a dedicated catering area.

We also have a gym with machines and a screen where you can watch Meeriad modules. People who commute to work by bicycle receive a bonus for maintaining it.

To create links, afterworks are held frequently. Also, we carried out a challenge this year: Kilometers for change. This consists of counting the kilometers crossed by employees (running, walking, cycling). Thanks to this operation, we made a donation to the association of sea rescuers in Fécamp (SNSM). Another more singular advantage, we are lucky to have a sailboat for professional or personal outings.

And of course, we are now collaborating with Meeriad.


How did this partnership with Meeriad come about?

We were contacted by two companies that have developed support programs around the mental health of employees. By comparing the two solutions, we preferred Meeriad for the combination of the 3 services: the content, the provision of experts such as psychologists and the organization of events. Beyond the technical side, we felt that we shared the same philosophy with Meeriad: working for the well-being of people.

How did you present the Meeriad solution internally?

First, we appointed ambassadors to accompany the launch and demonstrate it to their colleagues. Then, we took advantage of an afterwork dedicated to CSR to unveil the possibilities and functionalities of the application. Followed the next day by a display in the premises and an internal email. In addition, a video demonstration of the interface has been planned. Many people got curious and downloaded the tool quickly.

How did the OLVEA teams adopt the solution?

We are happy because the employees seem enthusiastic. Indeed, more than half of the workforce is active on the application while the collaboration started only three months ago.

Our goal is for everyone to take ownership of the tool and benefit from it as they wish. We know that some have followed sports sessions. The Meeriad Kids modules and the sequences related to personal development were watched a lot. This is a very good sign. As we expected, the application is useful for collaborators outside the office.

Do you have a figure representative of your collaboration with Meeriad that you could share with us?

We organized our first challenge with the app for Movember*. The goal was simple: each kilometer traveled made it possible to donate an amount to the partner association. Between walking and running, 1,522 km were counted over the period from November 8th to 30th. In concrete terms, 28 people connected via the app, which represented 40% participation.


Has the collaboration with Meeriad led to changes in your daily work?

It is a real tool for internal communication and a complementary channel. For example, we develop an annual editorial calendar to address different topics throughout the year to employees. From now on, we are looking at how we can relay the message via the application depending on the subject.

Meeriad brings a collective dynamic: the challenges have allowed people who did not have the opportunity to exchange to challenge themselves. This helps unite teams around common goals.

What do you think of Meeriad support?

The tool is intuitive and easy to use. Getting started is quick. It allows us to have an overview of statistics and to manage the notifications sent to users.

The Meeriad team is available and responsive. She responds quickly to our questions. When we have a request for improvement, the exchanges are always constructive.

To sum up, if you had to define in three words what Meeriad brought to OLVEA?

Tool, well-being and federate.

* The month of November is dedicated to the prevention of diseases that particularly affect men.
Laurane Savoye
Internal Communication Officer
Charlotte Decaix
Human resources manager

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